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Land Mines – A Love Story wins a prize in a major Italian Film Festival

27 November 2005

At the Incontri Con Il Cinema Asiatico, held in Rome during November 2005, Land Mines – A Love Story received the award for best documentary film. The citation of the jury is as follows:

27 November, 2005

Land Mines – A Love Story wins the major award for documentaries at the Incontri con Il Cinema Asiatico

Premio Città di Roma – Miglior Documentario


Landmines – A Love Story di Dennis O'Rourke

Per la straordinaria delicatezza con cui riesce a ritrarre il dramma di un popolo attraverso il ritratto di una donna che ha preso in mano con coraggio il proprio destino riscattando l'immagine stereotipa della donna afgana. Il regista riesce a costruire con empatia una drammaturgia che alterna momenti di disincanto ad una tensione emotiva e narrativa, che guida lo spettatore all'interno di un dramma epocale, senza mai abbandonarlo.

City of Rome Award – Best Documentary


Landmines – A Love Story by Dennis O'Rourke

For the extraordinary touch in portraying the drama of an entire population through the portrait of a single woman. A courageous woman who decides to take her destiny in her own hands, and in doing so, she redeems the images and stereotypes of the Afghani women.
The director is able to create a sympathy between the audience and the character, and a dramatic tension between the narration and the emotion at the same time. The spectator is carefully led into the drama of an epoch.

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